
August 3, 2000

Originally posted to shaderlab.com on August 8, 2000.

Real Life and my Real Job have been interfering with my time to work on Shaderlab. Between bugfixing, discovering (or hearing about) new and interesting ways to break my software, and just plain having a night at the club, I’ve let my texture production get a little slack. I’ve not been idle, however…last weekend we did a little boating and a little spying. Toxic abandoned naval installations make for some interesting snaps. Not to mention the hulking rusted-out dry docks a mile up the coast.

If you’ve tried to contact me and had your mail bounced, try reaching me here. The ydnar@shaderlab.com address is down until our new DSL is installed. Theoretically it will fix my gripes regarding the old DSL. :)