Fuck, 31. Good times. :)
Fuck, 31. Good times. :)
21 minutes from midnight, on the 366th day of my 31st year, I’m not quite sure how to proceed. I’ve always had a hard time answering the question “what do you do?” and I’m sure this year will be no different.
Announcing the relaunch of Shaderlab, in very 0.1 form:
Originally posted to ydnar.vox.com in March 2008.
(via Monoscope)
My sister sent me the best early birthday present ever. Scrabble + macro lenses + Photoshop = win!
Went night riding with the ever-spectacular Jenny last night. Twas bomber!
Unlike the new MacBook Air, these fine examples of midcentury computing had all the essentials:
(via Monoscope)
I should offer to upgrade the fellow to MT4 one of these days...
Originally posted to ydnar.vox.com in February 2008.
After yesterday’s antics—almost crashed my motorcycle, saw the sun rise from the top of Mount Tam, worked, got paid, had coffee with Tiff, cooked dinner for Krissy, drank wine with her and Garth, exchanged relationship war stories and went to sleep drunk and happy—I took pictures of the sunrise from sea level:
Tomorrow is built for brussels sprouts, mustard grains, pancetta and ahi.