The Ordinary, Day 19

August 19, 2008

Yesterday Chris and I split a 9 year old cab and grilled steaks, then went to the Homestead for cheladas and olympics. It’s been a good week for both bizdev and introspection, curious bedfellows. I left my laptop at Chris’ house, and discovered the small joy in not having a computer around at home in the evening. Thinking I might banish the desk from my bedroom again.

Today was about good food, good coffee and good conversations. I <3 my friends.

Stuff Korean Moms Like

August 18, 2008

This is for my homies—you know who you are:

Stuff Korean Moms Like


OpenID Logo Usage Guidelines

August 18, 2008

Created this back in May for the OpenID Foundation—not sure if it was ever released to the public.

Healthcare Century

August 18, 2008

Healthcare Century

(via swissmiss)

The Ordinary, Day 17

August 17, 2008

Eric and Hans were typically awesome this weekend, contributing their insight into what was an incredibly productive offsite.[1] Thanks to Ann, who graciously hosted us in her Woodside home, with Molly and the unnamed cats keeping us company between runs to Alice’s and Buck’s.

Also awesome: Hans’ fucking stereo. Worth every last F-bomb we dropped on Twitter last night, no kidding.

1. We’re advising a startup. They’re also built from awesome.
2. Awesome.

With Apologies to Detroit Grand Poobahs

August 16, 2008
just the two of us


August 16, 2008

(via graphkzr1234)

The Ordinary, Day 16

August 16, 2008

That dress looks nice on you, and I see a lot of bright in you.

The Ordinary, Day 15

August 15, 2008


August 15, 2008