Back Seat

(via ariannebot)
(via ariannebot)
Yahoo pushed out their YUI 3.0 Preview Release 1 yesterday, borrowing some of jQuery’s DNA—chaining, compact, expressive code. Not a bad thing, I think.
Played Avenue D at pub quiz last night, and they want more. Discussed the ultrarich in Monaco and the ultrapoor in Punjab over breakfast, microfinance and food supplies, wandered the ferry building and talked about biofuels and the economics of nonprofits before completing the Blue Bottle trifecta of Cento, Boulette’s Larder and Piccino.
Heard gossip about the inner workings of several of my favorite businesses from some of my favorite people. Think I met a new favorite person.
Rode motorcycle and bicycle along my favorite roads. Thought I saw someone who used to be close to me. Planning for the weekend, another away from SF. Planning September and October—Portland, New York, Boston and Amsterdam. Wishing I’d heard from a friend today, but didn’t. Taking a camera to Zeitgeist.
I wish I spoke the language you were written in.
Sold art, got invited to show in Boston in October, Eric and I are close to shipping our first alpha, and I just got an email from someone I hadn’t heard from in several years. The universe has interesting timing, I think.
Edit: And my sister emailed me a job listing from Stanford. Yay, more family in the Yay Area!
Predictably jetlagged, skipped climbing this morning in a increasingly futile attempt to stay in bed while my apartment approximates the Icarus viewing room. Learned about Georgia, the fallout of the Straight Talk Express, John Edwards’ indiscretions, and Isaac Hayes. Hayes and Bernie in the same weekend?
Sold my first two pieces this week—one commission, one first print. Happy!
Last day in paradise—we kicked it on the beach for ObamaWatch ‘08, boarded, hiked through a bamboo grove and stand of really tall beautiful pines, found a swimming hole with a waterfall, a rock water slide and a rope swing. Went to the Pali lookout, had pupus and absinthe, and stayed out on the beach until three in the morning.
Getting on a plane—in SF soon. Stoked!
In spite of the cop that pulled her over for speeding and the rogue wave that tried to kill us all, Kendal and Steve’s wedding was small, genuine and perfect.