
The Society of White People With Expensive Cameras at their semi-annual in Oahu
The Society of White People With Expensive Cameras at their semi-annual in Oahu
Two days ago, four became five. Yesterday, five became a dozen. The wedding party arrived along with Nadia, the maid of honor, the flower girl, Chris, Garth, Thien, Kat and Alex. Tomorrow at 8 am we’re scrambling down to the beach to see our friends get married. Stoked.
Beau and I cycled from Kailua to Waimea Bay, rode back with David and Krissy before meeting up with the new arrivals and spending the evening on a sailing canoe.
Fact: diving off a sailing canoe with friends is the best way to spend an evening. Thanks to the folks for their generosity! We met up at the Outrigger Canoe Club near Diamond Head and promptly forgot djchall on the beach. We turned around, picked him and one other straggler up before heading out into the Waikiki harbor. From the boat we could see all of Waikiki stretched out along the coast, patches of sunshine and rainstorms alternating down the coast. We saw rainbows, watched the sunset, got caught in a couple rain showers, dove to the bottom, did backflips and cannonballs, drank beer and basically just had an awesome time. Later, after sushi we hosted everyone at our house, then moved the party to the beach. Night swimming FTW!
I am seriously behind on my music consumption. Toof and Dan’s unread postings in my feed reader are stacking up, I’m a week late (and counting) delivering a mixtape for July, and mainly just enjoying large quantities of doing nothing on the island.
I’m itching to remix Frank Turner:
Bummed I’m missing the Start Conference (holla @ Fort Mason!), but stoked that Eric’s there. Been filling in the gaps of time by writing bits of JavaScript and Python for our first release hack. It’s small tiny and cool and open-source and a little disruptive and hopefully useful.
Also, Obama is here tomorrow!
Edit: Someone wants to buy my art. Woot!
Feeling particularly lonely today.
Floaters, third-culture kids, sojourners. David Brooks’ op-ed yesterday describes in succinct detail why Barack Obama’s status as all of these appeals to me.
(via Plexifilm + Simon Wistow)