Bay to Breakers 2008

I’ve always wanted to dance to Metric’s Calculation Theme. This is a third, very rough attempt at making that happen. Beats by Kolombo & Compuphonic’s excellent Antimatter track.
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Designer Mario Amaya’s hybridization of corporate marques.
(via Brand New)
A more polished rendition of the last mix on Bite Marks, pitting Cloud Cult against Bird and the Bee on a base of Daft Punk cover. Chewy and delicious at the same time:
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This one is for my homie Beau, who is the only guy I know who could pull it off:
Photo credit: Kris Krug
I had this design for 10 years. It’s evolved a bit—primarily gotten simpler—but the concept has stayed the same. I figure a decade is a good interval to wait to put something permanent on your body. One week in, it’s been interesting listening to different people’s interpretation of the meaning of a circle.
Ink by the talented Barnaby at Mom’s Body Shop in San Francisco.
A nod to The Prodigy original, Romain Gavras directs Justice’s new video for Stress. Hyperviolent, surreal, French, Insane. Watch:
(via this isn’t happiness.™)
April’s mixtape is a big electro hug for my peeps in Haight/Alamo/Hayes Valley. ALL OF THEMS. Thanks Krissy for the push!
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Goldfrapp’s Happiness has been in heavy rotation at ydnar HQ of late, particularly the the excellent Metronomy remix featuring The Teenagers (MP3). CR posted a video for the original, a silly romp in London directed by Dougal Wilson:
(via Creative Review)