Star Lords
Like peanut butter & jelly, two great tastes that go great together. Awesome.
Like peanut butter & jelly, two great tastes that go great together. Awesome.
Originally posted to in April 2006.
Thanks to Andrew, I got to see Barry crank it out of the park his 1st time up to bat. It was the only run of the game, but it was sweet nonetheless.
Originally posted to in April 2006.
There is a god, and [s]he is Japanese. I wonder how much hacking it will take to sever the wires...
Originally posted to in April 2006.
Gabo works at Boulette's Larder and makes food photography look good. He should be on Comet...
Originally posted to in April 2006.
It's April, and time for new music. A total impulse buy based solely on the cover, I found the new heavy rotation for springtime: Visioneers: Dirty Old Hip Hop. The opening track featuring Voice rhyming about mixtapes and ghetto WalkMans sets the tone, which is good good good.
My rating: eleven.
Last night a few of us went out for Lisa's birthday. We ran into Maile at Skylark right after the doorman and I had this very creepy exchange:
Doorman: Can I see your ID sir?
Me: Sure, here you go.
Doorman, after looking at the ID: Enjoy the weather yesterday?
Take any pictures of the sun?
Huh, yeah. Several actually.
To which he replied, his voice dropping an octave: Good, because you'll never see it again.
As of 2:00 PM today, I have yet to see the sun...
Later on, we ran into an acquaintance of mine and his wife on the street as they were parking to conincidentally go to the same party we were headed to. He was walking with a cane, and later on he told me the story: He'd fallen 30 feet and crushed a vertebrae and for a while was partially paralyzed. I'm happy he can walk again...
Tangentially, his wife's cousin is Panasonic's patent & trademark lawyer. This fact was divulged after a discussion about the merits of various band names such as Rolls Royce. I brought up Panasonic (now Pan Sonic) as an example of a well-known brand name that happened to be a good band name.
There is no point to this post.
Originally posted to in April 2006.
SFist mentions one of my favorite books and blogs about food in the same post. We are happy.
Originally posted to in March 2006.
Erosion and a plastic cameraphone lens have a wonderful effect on what is normally a right-angled subject.
Originally posted to in March 2006.
Looks like it's possible with some registry hacking. Enjoy.
Originally posted to in March 2006.
After almost 10 years in limbo, I have finally secured the one true domain. Again. Dear Internet: I promise not to let it lapse this time.
Happy fun dance!